Thursday, March 19, 2009

If I thought for one second that you were betraying me, I'd be forced to suspend you head first in the Bog of Eternal Stench

Today they're using the cleaning product that smells like vomit at work. Mmm, good.

Why oh why would you even consider manufacturing a cleaning product that smells like vomit? How hard can it be to add something that makes it smell better? Hell, I'd settle for urine.


Darnia said...

The urine smelling kind, is that the one they're using in the elevators at T-centralen?

Anonymous said...

På skolan använder de nån variant som luktar billigt, vidrigt rakvatten. Ingen höjdare det heller.

EGE said...

Oh no. Ammonia is HORRIBLE. I don't know what could possibly smell like vomit, and I do imagine it would be much worse, but when Johnny cleans his brushes with ammonia, all I can think about is burning down the house.

Steelwheels said...

That shit they use at T-Centralen is the absolute worst! I was once forced to ride an elevator seconds after two guys had cleaned it. And by cleaning, I mean spraying like a gallon of the stuff on the elevator floor and scraping it back ut with a rubber rake.

I also have a wash-up soap that makes my dishes smell worse than before cleaning them.

beardonaut said...

Darnia: Indeed. And every day.

Eva: Låter också mindre trevligt, men kräk vinner...

ege: Yeah. What the hell is up with cleaning products smelling like crap?

Steelwheels: Mmmm. Yummy. And that soap sounds like a very good idea. Where can I get me a ton and a half of that?