Saturday, March 14, 2009

Where shall I find a new adversary so close to my own level?

I rarely remember my dreams. And if I do they're often nightmares. Whoever wired my brain messed it up something good. Thanks, evolution.

Last night I had a dream the doorbell rang. I walked from the bedroom and opened the door. Outside stood Indiana Jones. And not the Harrison Ford nor the Sean Patrick Flanery incarnation, no no no. That wouldn't be weird enough. Outside stood Lego Indiana Jones.

For some reason he reached to about my waist. Without a word he pushed by me, ran into the living room and started destroying furniture to get Lego studs. Which, of course, is what you do when you're Lego Indiana Jones.

There he is, fedora and all

As he was working his way through the dinner table and chairs, Mah Girl came running from the bedroom, screaming “Noooo! Not the couch!”. Then I woke up.

I wonder what Freud would make of that... My guess is he would say “Stop playing video games!”.


Steelwheels said...


Martin said...

And suddenly, "the shows in your mind" is something I'm willing to buy on DVD.

Oh also, I can't leave that quote hanging:

"Why don't you try the local sewer?"

beardonaut said...

Steelwheels: Trodde väl att du skulle gilla det.

Martin: Thanks. If only I could record it all.. And I knew I could count on you to answer.

EGE said...

That is classic. Beats having a shit on Boston Common any day of the week.

Oh, and I saw these guys on tv the other day and thought of you...

beardonaut said...

Yeah, those are some serious beards. Too bad a lot of them look like crap though...