I've written about vandalism vs art before. The point is not to distinguish between vandalism and art. The one does not exclude the other. However, vandalism is never OK, regardless of if its art or not. And sometimes its not even art. Its just vandalism, plain and simple.
This is the side of the building I live in. I figure, to get rid of this they should take Xhie's head, and then drag his face along the silver line on the wall. I think the blood will be the same color as the wall.
And don't call this graffiti. That gives this legitimacy that is not OK. Vandalism. Van-da-lism. Morons are what they are. Punks with no respect for the property of others. A good public whipping might be another way to go.
Min fru har en hudvårdssalong på timmermansgatan. Hennes entredörr blev nedklottrad genom nån slags syra på glaset. Enda sättet att få bort tagen var att byta glasruta. 5000 spänn.
Jag är rädd för vad jag skulle ta mig till om jag fick reda på vem som låg bakom den taggen. Jag tror inte att en domstol skulle se det på mitt sätt.
Som sagt. Piska dem publikt. Och hårt. Idioter.
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