Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's a mystery. Broken into a jigsaw puzzle. Wrapped in a conundrum. Hidden in a Chinese box

Since I started writing here again, I've noticed a distinct spike in traffic. Nothing strange about that, but I'm curious as to who you people are. So riddle me this.

Male or female?
Where do you call home?
How did you discover the shows in my mind?
Have we met? Or be you a stranger?
What should I write more about?
Name a blog or three you think I would like.
Name a band I should check out.

Kind of sort of stolen from Cupcakes.


De said...

5 (at heart)
A big purple guy told me
Oh, yea
Anything, everything
Simon Pegg:
Sufjan Stevens:

Hanna said...


Snart gammal nog.

Skärhamn, helst. Rågsved på pappret.

Det kan ha varit så att du berättade att du börjat blogga..

Vi träffas så fort det vankas choklad och/eller vitryssar. Och på festivaler förstås ;)

Mer musiktips!!

Den första jag tänker på är ju Fredriks, men den läser du ju redan. Så jag rekommenderar Lyxunge, som jag alltid gör (

Åh, det är väl DU som visar MIG alla bra band? Nu lyssnar jag nästan bara på Bat For Lashes och Bon Iver. Så får det bli..

H_Q said...

foobar : spotify:user:maghelhq:playlist:6ndwxajWGOjbfKzFKhRphE

EGE said...

I haven't been playing because I'm not new, but since you aren't posting, I'll play.

1. Female
2. Close enough to 40 that it doesn't matter that I'm not.
3. Some crazy Swedish bastard showed up on my blog.
4. Not in real life, no.
5. Write about your family. It's when you seem to let go and write from your heart.
6. If I haven't already recommended Lucky Pork, I should have.
7. You didn't say we had to name new ones

beardonaut said...

H_Q: The one! The only! Men din Spotify-lista fungerar icke...

ege: It's not only for the new. 'tis for everyone.

André said...

Male or female? Male

Age? 25

Where do you call home? Sandslån

How did you discover the shows in my mind? You told me/our common course/community about it (?).

Have we met? Through course/community and that brilliant road/rage trip (road rage trip?).

What should I write more about?
I think you mix it up pretty well as it is.

Name a blog or three you think I would like.
Don't read alot of blogs, actually.

Name a band I should check out.
Like someone pointed out above you're the one with the good music recommendations. The times I've mentioned a band you've heard of them already.

I'll ask you instead. The Mastadon hype, warranted or not?

André said...

Hah, I actually posted that before reading a couple of more posts.

New question though: You hate them or just the new album?

beardonaut said...

Just the new one. Both "Remission" and "Leviathan" are great, but I started losing interest with "Blood Mountain" and the new one is just flat and boring. They're excellent musicians and it's technically marvelous, I'm sure, but I miss the groove and the aggression from the previous stuff.

Martin said...

Alright, this is nice.

- Male, but don't tell anyone.
- 25 years old.
- You told me. I think.
- We have! Could stand to do more, though.
- Perhaps more short reviews: music, film, books. Games? I'm not picky, I read every word either way.
- I think you might know of these. and and what the hell,
- Again, I might have mentioned this, but Suffocate For Fuck Sake is the real deal. Also, Buried Inside. You have not heard maybe?

Pleasure doing business with you.

beardonaut said...

I think I posted a comment on All Things Cool, which led you here. Or something.

Anonymous said...

foobar the band:
den här ska fungera
hittade även Sergej The freak
de gamla hjältarna från underground tiden på HOME som du höll i! Saknar den tiden ibland....
ett annat tips på musik Sorepton
Svenskar norrlänningar har nåt nytt på gång tror jag.
har sett alla 757min av the wire nu, bra serie tack för att vi fick låna.
It`s all in the game!- omar
the one the only HQ

Hjorten said...

You told me
Yes, we have.
No idea
See above

Jesper Bylund said...

Åse told me
We've met. I stroked your beard at the after work.

Your writing, that's always interesting.

Critikkal Solution, might be a bit soft for you but still good.

beardonaut said...

HQ: Sergej the Freak. Det var inte igår. Good times.

Jesper: It deserves stroking. Though that chicken bone was crossing the line...