Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Here is a simple but powerful rule - always give people more than what they expect to get

“Greetings from Amazon.co.uk,
We thought you would like to know that the following items have been sent to: …”

Now that’s customer service. I ordered yesterday, and part of the order is shipped today. Amazon are always fast and reliable, but this…phew. Me likey!

So what was shipped today?
Batman: The Killing Joke by Alan Moore (graphic novel)
Batman: Arkham Asylum by Grant Morrisson (graphic novel)
Absolute Sandman: Volume 3 by Neil Gaiman (collects a number of Sandman graphic novels)
The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made by David Hughes (non-fiction)
Forensics and Fiction: Clever, Intriguing, and Downright Odd Questions from Crime Writers by Douglas P Lyle (non-fiction)

Hooray! Hooray!


Martin said...

Damn that's a sexy-looking list.
Having ordered them Batman books, do you already own The Dark Knight returns?
If not, hurry up and change that fact.

beardonaut said...

And it's only the beginning...

Yes, I own The Dark Knight Returns. If anyone claims to like Batman and doesn't own it, they're lying *grin* Though I have developed an aversion to Frank MIller lately...